Sunday, September 13, 2015

Unique Content Article: In Regard To Pet Safe Mosquito Control For Yard

In Regard To Pet Safe Mosquito Control For Yard

by Shawn Hunter

Mosquito population increases considerably during the summer. This calls for efforts to be geared towards managing the pesky, disease-bearing insects and strengthen the control systems in place to curb the ordeal. It will need more than just one strategy to eliminate the mosquitoes which are a nuisance to pets and people. To note is that <A href="">pet safe mosquito control for yard</A> is very effective.

Several people go for an exterminator to deal with the insects. These professionals charge a substantial amount for offering the services. The chemicals they use in performing the job are toxic and can cause harm to people and pets. Going for natural mosquito control strategies eliminates the pests without causing harm to the pets and people. The pests cause a number of diseases in both human beings and pets and dealing with them effectively will save on medical expenses.

Among the simplest things you can put in place to control these pests is yellow light bulbs. Orange and yellow light is not attractive to flying insects including mosquitoes. This is very helpful especially if you frequently host events during the night or in the evening. Also, dark clothes do not attract the insects. Gardening should thus be done while wearing dark clothes.

Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacterium which kills the mosquito larvae but has no negative effects to pets or people. It can be poured to places which hold water like fountains and lakes. Do not assume that waterfalls or fountains cannot be breeding sites because they contain fast moving water. There is certainly a spot where the speed is not so high making it ideal for the mosquitoes to deposit their eggs in. The BT can be found in liquid form or made into a solid which is thrown into the water and dissolves slowly.

The yard can be sprayed with a mixture of BT, natural pyrethrum and neem oil on a monthly basis. Apart from protecting pets from mosquitoes, it also eliminates the ticks present. Citronella candles release oil which keeps the mosquitoes away from the pets. Also, this can be very useful when organizing for an outdoor evening or night event as there will be no cases of mosquito bites which may be quite disturbing.

Neem oil is a natural mosquito repellent. It is non-toxic and effective in repelling the mosquitoes and also other biting and small flying insects. The neem odor is very strong and should therefore be tested first before its use. Neem shampoo should be used to bathe the pets in order to repel mosquitoes. This also kills any fleas and ticks which may have been present.

Insect zappers usefulness in trapping the pests has been confirmed and it has been in use for a long time. For those who get irritated by the sound coming from the coil as the mosquitoes get sizzled, placing the coil far from the dining areas can reduce the intensity of the sounds.

The natural mosquito control methods do a commendable job. They also are eco-friendly and safe for the pets. In addition, you can entertain your guests without having to deal with complains of mosquito bites. Take precautions early enough.

<a href="">Read more about</a> In Regard To Pet Safe Mosquito Control For Yard.

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New Unique Article!

Title: In Regard To Pet Safe Mosquito Control For Yard
Author: Shawn Hunter
Keywords: home, family, family issues
Word Count: 533
Category: Home &amp; Family

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